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Collaborations - How Not to Be Left Behind

Written by: Yvette Valdenegro

We live in an online information world with businesses growing at a record pace. How can your business stand out and keep up with this online world seemingly changing and launching daily at rocket speeds? As an entrepreneur keeping up with the routine tasks of owning a business is never ending, so the thought of adding one more task to your to-do list may seem unnerving. Adding to your to-do list is all about perspective. Making sure you add the right tasks are key and collaborations are the essential ingredient to add to your rockets boosters to take your business up and away to another level.

‘The universe brings people into our lives personally and in business that are key’, says Julie Ciardi, Founder, and CEO of Ignite University, an online community created for women who want a purpose-driven life full of wealth, joy, to impact those around them. Julie has created a community of women who support each other and look to each other to collaborate. By collaborating in various ways, these women expose one another to greater networks they would have never met on their own. The social media platforms can only organically take your business so far, but with collaborating, your business exposure is more impactful when you are introduced to an audience who will automatically trust you because you are affiliated with another brand they already know and love. Julie desires to have women partner together so they are not doing things alone.

If you are at the beginning stages of trying to figure out the beauty of collaborations, then Julie suggests the following practices:

  • Start writing down on a piece of paper who it is you are looking for to collaborate. Think through who it is you want to work with to help boost your business. Begin by thinking through what superpowers you lack and look for someone who has those superpowers and vice versa, to help compliment them as well.

  • Look to serve your clients. As you begin thinking through collaborations and creating ways to grow, start with the simple act of service. What does your client need? What problems can you help them solve? Then look for other collaborators who can help you solve those concerns for your clients.

You and your business must learn how to collaborate to grow. Without growth, you will be left behind. It’s a great fear to be left behind and not learn how to adapt in business. However, with the right collaborations, this will not happen to you. Julie Ciardi is in the business of helping you create, build, and sustain your business.

Enjoy this episode of YG Collaborations and listen to Julie go deeper by sharing how she will help you master becoming your superpower through your attitude, mindset, and stamina. Julie will help you bust through your own personal ‘stuff’ to create what it is in life you want.

More Info about Julie Ciardi

Instagram @JulieCiardi

More Info about YG Collaborations

Instagram @YGCollaborations

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